U7 Softball

Garth Christie

What does the KRA mean to you / why is the KRA important to you?

It is great to have local sports for kids to participate in. It means meeting neighbors, quick travel to/from the fields, and the kids getting to learn to play sports with school and daycare friends, among other things.

U7 Softball Coach

Garth has 3 post-secondary degrees from UNB and a love for sports. He has helped organized softball teams and hockey teams as a player regularly for the past 20 years. He has assisted in coaching minor hockey and softball starting last year and decided to become a coach with KRA this year because there was a need for volunteers and because he prefers to participate in sports as opposed to just watching.

When asked what he loves most about coaching, Garth says he enjoys helping the kids have fun and learn/improve their abilities in sports.

Jeremy McCullough

What does the KRA mean to you / why is the KRA important to you?

The KRA gave me an outlet when I was growing up, keeping us out of too much trouble, making life long friends, and playing team sports, it's important when I can, to pass on what was given to me.

U7 Softball Coach

This Jeremy’s second year coaching! This year he decided to help out again because he knows how challenging the U7 age group can be, many hands make light work!

When asked what he loves most about coaching, Jeremey says he loves watching the kids have fun and learn the game he loved for many years.